What Do Zero-Percent Interest Rates Mean for You?

What Do Zero-Percent Interest Rates Mean for You?

The coronavirus pandemic has launched the country, and the world, into uncharted territory. In much of the world, society is essentially shut down. Schools and large events are closed. People are staying in their homes. Businesses have effectively closed across the...
Coronavirus: What are Your Options?

Coronavirus: What are Your Options?

It’s been a volatile few weeks in the financial markets. Up until late January, we were still enjoying the longest bull market in history. In three short weeks, the bull market has ended, and we’ve entered bear market territory. Between Friday, February 21 and Monday,...
What in the World is an Investment Policy Statement?

What in the World is an Investment Policy Statement?

For decades, some of the world’s largest institutional investors have used one tool to guide their decision-making. Mutual funds, educational endowments, defined benefit pensions, and other institutions all use this document to focus on their long-term goals, and to...